Saturday, January 22, 2011

That Kid

I'm "that kid" in my physics class.

I don't really mean to be. Just nobody speaks up and I want to move on as quickly as possible so we can leave potentially early. So when the professor asks us a question, I wait to see if anyone will answer it and then I answer. It's kind of pathetic that nobody else will volunteer on fear of being incorrect, when there are probably 300 people in there. Not to mention what we're doing is painfully easy yet those sitting around me don't understand it. So I have to teach physics to my classmates after just learning it. Sounds like high school all over again.


  1. You have no followers. You should at least follow yourself :)

  2. Wait you can follow yourself? Never thought about that.
    That sux indeed maybe you should try to just answer right away.

  3. I wasn't sure if following myself would look desperate. haha

  4. I like my physics teacher, I usually stay an hour extra just so we can talk.

    he's 60 and he's a gamer.

  5. I'm not that bothered about "that kid"; if anything, I'm thankful of them moving the class along.
    It's not so much that people are afraid of being incorrect, its probably the whole "talking in front of 300 other people" thing that stops people too.

  6. You should post more!

    Check out my blog for tips on how to make more with yours :D

  7. I think following yourself is more funny than desperate. After all, the purpose of following is to know when you update, and you should be the first to know anyway! Hehe
